Confession: I love comic book movies! More specifically Marvel comic movies. I like DC movies, but they're almost too dark, whereas Marvel always has a sense of humor about them. ANYWAY, I totally blame my older brother for all of this because he has always been OBSESSED with comic books and forced them upon me at a young age.
Side note: My favorite Marvel heroes are Wolverine (because he's a badass, and yes I liked him pre-Hugh Jackman, although he sure does help ❤❤) and Captain America (because Chris Evans and because he's Captain Freaking America!!). Also, I always wanted to be Storm when I grew up but sadly my super powers haven't come in yet.
All of this confession time brings me to the Thor Movie Marathon Event presented by AMC Theaters. The marathon consisted of three movies: Thor, The Avengers, and Thor: The Dark World. So, I rounded up my crew and we hit the theater!!
(I'm Captain America -- obviously)
My dad also joined us for the day but he was too cool to join in the costumey fun.
Now, our AMC has reserved seating so we didn't need to get there super early, but speaking from experience if your theater doesn't reserves seats I would get there at least an hour and a half early. The first movie started at 2:30 so we got there around 1:45 so that we could get situated and get snacks!!
Snacks leads us to another good movie marathon tip: If your theater of choice has a rewards system - GET IT!! AMC has the Stubs Rewards card that cost $12/yr and with it you can get free concession upgrades, $10 for every $100 spent, plus other great deals. Now I am a reward hoarder so on the day of I had $50 in rewards (you do the math) and because I bought the tickets I also got some bonus rewards to use for the day. This means not only did I not have to spend a dime all day I was also able to treat my friends!!
Something else that makes these marathons fun is that during breaks they will often do trivia to give away prizes! Thanks to awesome nerdiness I won a pair of Thor 3D glasses:

(shown along with my Marathon pass)
All in all these events are a lot of fun. This was my fourth (previous ones include: The Dark Knight Trilogy, Twilight Saga, and Ironman) and they're just a really nice way to spend the day. To find out when these events happen check with your local theater and follow AMC on all of their social media.

Now tell me! Have you attended a movie marathon (if so which ones) and what movie franchise do you think deserves their own marathon?
PS: I am not affiliated with AMC Theaters and all opinions are my own.
PSS: I'm planning a review for Thor: The Dark World - my first one (and I'm scared!!)
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