Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Goody Hair Ouchless Ribbon Elastics Review and Tips

At the beginning of July I received the Sunkissed VoxBox from Influenster (you can read my initial reactions here). One of the items I was excited to try out were the Goody Hair Ouchless Ribbon Elastics.  This post will include a mini review (there isn’t much to say -- they’re pretty amazing) and a few unique tips for using them beyond doing your hair.

"I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes." -- Just in case you forgot.

I honestly really really like these. I know a lot of people have problems with the whole Ribbon Elastic thing because you could easily run to a craft store and by your own ribbon elastic and whip up your own. But honestly, who has time for that!? AND by the time you buy the material you need you could have just as easily gone and bought a package of these bad boys....Sorry...I apologize for the rant...kind of...
I typically wear my hair in a bun to keep it up out of the way and under control (my hair has a mind of its own...) I was originally going to post some pictures of how I style it but a lot of people have already done that so....
The only downfall is that like any other hair tie they do tend to stretch out and I did have a casualty when my navy blue elastic snapped (no worries I gave it a proper burial). You can find these at any major retailer that sells Goody hair products and they retail for around $3.97.

OK, so I’ve figured the easiest way to do this would be to just make a list.... This post is seriously lacking in photos...sorry..
**The bonus to these tips is that you will for the most part always have a hair tie close by if you need it!!**
Wear it as a bracelet

Tie it around the handle of your luggage bag so you can easily identify it on the carousel at the airport

Tie it around makeup brushes and throw them in your makeup bag
Tie them around loose pens in your purse
Use it to keep all of your rewards cards together inside your handbag
Is your shirt too long? Use it to tie it up, 90’s style!

A wine glass marker -- tie around the stem of wine glasses so guests can identify their glass.**This would be really cute for a girls night! Then they get an added gift -- just make sure you use a new set of ties, obviously!**

A slingshot -- because you know sometimes people just need to be hit with a hair tie...

You could also used your stretched out ones that are on their last leg to tie up some white T-shirts and throw yourself a tie-dye party!!

These are just a few fun ideas for out of the box uses for these ties, but of course the best way to use them is to make yourself a cute hairdo!!
Also be sure to check out my review of the Dr. Scholl’s Inserts for Her (here) and the SinfulColors SinfulShine Nail Polish (here) I recieved!!

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